Synthethic generation of light curves

This notebooks illustrates the synthethic generation of light curves with mutis.

There are three methods implemented with mutis, with some variations: - Generating signals by sampling. This signals have same statisical distribution. - Gnerating signals by randomization of the Fourier transform from the PSD (Power Spectral Distribution). This signals have the same variability, and same mean and std. - Generating signals by integration of an stochastic process (Orstein-Uhlenbeck process). Signals have similar shape.

# I'm doing a lot of changes to MUTIS while writting this, better reload automatically.
%load_ext autoreload

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import matplotlib as mplt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from astropy.time import Time

import  mutis

Load test data

data = {}
data['3mm'] = pd.read_csv('data/mm-I.dat', comment='!')
jyear I dI
0 2007.336684 4.038324 0.180
1 2007.384127 3.664838 0.200
2 2007.603228 1.487572 0.090
3 2007.665543 1.245085 0.070
4 2007.714794 0.600193 0.040
... ... ... ...
100 2020.429704 0.910855 0.052
101 2020.445397 1.940285 0.111
102 2020.507706 1.482400 0.111
103 2020.650145 2.236022 0.112
104 2020.750106 1.926506 0.113

105 rows × 3 columns

data['gamma'] = pd.read_csv('data/gamma-I.dat', comment='!')
jyear CFlux CFluxErr
0 2008.605065 1.894027e-07 3.326300e-08
1 2008.624230 5.572932e-07 4.754800e-08
2 2008.643395 5.439230e-07 5.684800e-08
3 2008.662560 6.763391e-07 6.980500e-08
4 2008.681725 9.020173e-07 7.435100e-08
... ... ... ...
631 2020.763861 1.119233e-07 5.747500e-08
632 2020.783026 9.138770e-08 3.188800e-08
633 2020.802191 6.064478e-08 1.657600e-08
634 2020.821356 4.770228e-08 2.429000e-08
635 2020.840520 1.733534e-07 3.886500e-08

636 rows × 3 columns


import mutis
sig3mm = mutis.Signal(data['3mm']['jyear'], data['3mm']['I'], data['3mm']['dI'])
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7ff878a95f90>]


We first check the generation with simple sampling of the signals. We see that the shape is not similar.

Original vs Synthethic:
mean: 1.8206498796538533 / 1.7996465269173818
std: 1.0533019607954752 / 1.1401532743330116
{'ax1': <AxesSubplot:title={'center':'light curves'}>,
 'ax2': <AxesSubplot:title={'center':'pdf'}>,
 'ax3': <AxesSubplot:title={'center':'PSD'}>}


Original vs Synthethic:
mean: 1.8206498796538533 / 1.8206498796538533
std: 1.0533019607954752 / 1.0533019607954752
/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: nperseg = 256 is greater than input length  = 105, using nperseg = 105
  .format(nperseg, input_length))
{'ax1': <AxesSubplot:title={'center':'light curves'}>,
 'ax2': <AxesSubplot:title={'center':'pdf'}>,
 'ax3': <AxesSubplot:title={'center':'PSD'}>}

We see that the signals have similar shape, and almost identical variability. The statistical distribution is not exactly the same.

We now check using the non-uniform fourier transform. The generation with the FFT was not technically correct since the signal was not evenly sampled in time.

Original vs Synthethic:
mean: 1.8206498796538533 / 1.8206498796538535
std: 1.0533019607954752 / 1.053301960795475
{'ax1': <AxesSubplot:title={'center':'light curves'}>,
 'ax2': <AxesSubplot:title={'center':'pdf'}>,
 'ax3': <AxesSubplot:title={'center':'PSD'}>}

Still another method can be used to reconstruct the signal; the Lomb-Scargle method to compute the PSD.

Original vs Synthethic:
mean: 1.8206498796538533 / 1.8206498796538533
std: 1.0533019607954752 / 1.0530244919105098
{'ax1': <AxesSubplot:title={'center':'light curves'}>,
 'ax2': <AxesSubplot:title={'center':'pdf'}>,
 'ax3': <AxesSubplot:title={'center':'PSD'}>}

From these results, we see that the shape for 3mm is better reproduced with ``lc_gen_psd_fft``.


To use the stochastic OU method, first we need to find suitable parameters:

/home/docs/checkouts/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
  / xx ** (ll + 2)
/home/docs/checkouts/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in true_divide
  / xx ** (ll + 2)
/home/docs/checkouts/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide
  / xx ** (ll + 2)
{'sigma_est': 2.91683807274248,
 'curve_fit': (array([3.02346118, 1.86171047]),
  array([0.40840367, 0.11016486])),
 'MLE_fit': (2.3531636913848892, 1.9175162668279229),
 'th_est1': 10.010292857664975,
 'th_est2': 12.861719731625044}
sig3mm.check_gen('lc_gen_ou', fgen_params={'mu':1.8, 'sigma':1.01, 'theta':1.96})
Original vs Synthethic:
mean: 1.8206498796538533 / 2.150739942003629
std: 1.0533019607954752 / 1.0867404955082687
{'ax1': <AxesSubplot:title={'center':'light curves'}>,
 'ax2': <AxesSubplot:title={'center':'pdf'}>,
 'ax3': <AxesSubplot:title={'center':'PSD'}>}
sig3mm.OU_mu, sig3mm.OU_sigma, sig3mm.OU_theta = 1.8, 1.01, 1.96

We see that these value produce synthethic light curves that have similar shape, distribution and variability.

[ ]:


sigGamma = mutis.Signal(data['gamma']['jyear'][np.isfinite(data['gamma']['CFlux'])], 1e6*data['gamma']['CFlux'][np.isfinite(data['gamma']['CFlux'])], 1e6*data['gamma']['CFluxErr'][np.isfinite(data['gamma']['CFlux'])])
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7ff873948f10>]


Original vs Synthethic:
mean: 0.11241061716509433 / 0.11241061716509433
std: 0.14036970709552712 / 0.14036970709552712
{'ax1': <AxesSubplot:title={'center':'light curves'}>,
 'ax2': <AxesSubplot:title={'center':'pdf'}>,
 'ax3': <AxesSubplot:title={'center':'PSD'}>}

Here we see that lc_gen_psd_fft does not generate signals with similar shapes, specially during flares.

Original vs Synthethic:
mean: 0.11241061716509433 / 0.11241061716509433
std: 0.14036970709552712 / 0.14036970709552715
{'ax1': <AxesSubplot:title={'center':'light curves'}>,
 'ax2': <AxesSubplot:title={'center':'pdf'}>,
 'ax3': <AxesSubplot:title={'center':'PSD'}>}


/home/docs/checkouts/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
  / xx ** (ll + 2)
/home/docs/checkouts/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in true_divide
  / xx ** (ll + 2)
/home/docs/checkouts/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide
  / xx ** (ll + 2)
{'sigma_est': 5.94771645934871,
 'curve_fit': (array([1.00758681, 0.12887555]),
  array([0.17348078, 0.01219195])),
 'MLE_fit': (0.5523802491183334, 0.14125117915448523),
 'th_est1': 9.77031709753,
 'th_est2': 17.821858473859322}
                   fgen_params={'mu':0.21, 'sigma':4.9, 'theta':7.6,
                               })#'scale':np.std(sigGamma.values), 'loc':np.mean(sigGamma.values)})
Original vs Synthethic:
mean: 0.11241061716509433 / 0.1546240191295745
std: 0.14036970709552712 / 0.2002713001286012
{'ax1': <AxesSubplot:title={'center':'light curves'}>,
 'ax2': <AxesSubplot:title={'center':'pdf'}>,
 'ax3': <AxesSubplot:title={'center':'PSD'}>}
[ ]:

Set and generate synthethics

Now that we have checked which generation methods are the best, we set them and generate the synthethic light curves.

sig3mm.fgen = 'lc_gen_psd_fft'
CPU times: user 121 ms, sys: 4.03 ms, total: 125 ms
Wall time: 125 ms
/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: nperseg = 256 is greater than input length  = 105, using nperseg = 105
  .format(nperseg, input_length))
sigGamma.fgen = 'lc_gen_ou'
sigGamma.OU_mu, sigGamma.OU_sigma, sigGamma.OU_theta = 0.2, 4.9, 7
CPU times: user 1.42 s, sys: 3.89 ms, total: 1.42 s
Wall time: 1.42 s


corr3mmGamma = mutis.Correlation(sig3mm, sigGamma, 'welsh')
corr3mmGamma.gen_times(ftimes='uniform', tmin=-200/365, tmax=+200/365, n=50, nbinsmin=11)
(-0.547945205479452, 0.547945205479452)
corr3mmGamma.samples = 400
CPU times: user 2.43 s, sys: 0 ns, total: 2.43 s
Wall time: 2.43 s
(-0.547945205479452, 0.547945205479452)
[ ]: